The HOYA Clinic is a student-run organization at Georgetown University School of Medicine with direct oversight from MedStar Georgetown University Hospital faculty and professional administration. Our goal at HOYA Clinic is to create a space where medical students, physicians, and community partners can work together to decrease health disparities in the DC community. We currently operate two clinic sites - one in partnership with Catholic Charities Monroe St. Clinic and the other at The Triumph, a Community of Hope temporary housing facility in Southeast Washington.
Any donation we receive allows us to provide health care services free of charge and maintain strong community partnerships. Additionally, with your help, we are able to host important events for kids at The Triumph, including a 2-day summer camp (with pool activities, field games, picnics, etc.), a holiday party and toy drive (to ensure all kids at The Triumph receive a gift this year), and more!
We deeply appreciate all contributions made to the HOYA Clinic.
Please contact Aliza Haider ( with any questions.